UC-AFT Insider May 2018
University Council-AFT Insider
May 1, 2018
In this issue:
- UC-AFT Statewide Officers Reelected for 2018-19 Term
- Mia McIver to Present at Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Master Plan for Higher Education
- AFSCME 3299 Strike May 7-9…UPTE-CWA and CNA to Join in Sympathy Strike
- Librarian Bargaining Update: Academic Librarians Must Have Academic Freedom Protections
UC-AFT Statewide Officers Reelected for 2018-19 Term
All current officers of the statewide executive board were reelected to their positions at the statewide Council meeting on April 7 at UC Berkeley. 2018-19 terms begin June 15, 2018. Candidate statements for each officer are available on the UC-AFT website.
President- Mia McIver, UCLA, Lecturer
Vice President for Organizing- Roxi Power, UCSC, Lecturer
Vice President for Grievances- Ben Harder, UCR, Lecturer
Vice President for Legislation- Axel E. Borg, UCD, Librarian
Secretary-Treasurer- Miki Goral, UCLA, Librarian
Mia McIver to Present at Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Master Plan for Higher Education
The Assembly Select Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education in California will hold a public hearing on Friday, May 4th at UC Riverside. This is the fourth in a series of five hearings; you can read details about the previous sessions here. UC-AFT President, Mia McIver, will testify on the ways that UC faculty and librarians support students and how the legislature can in turn support our work. UC-AFT members from Southern California are encouraged to attend and give testimony during public comment on the ways our working conditions affect our students’ learning conditions. View event details here.
AFSCME 3299 Strike May 7-9…UPTE-CWA and CNA to Join in Sympathy Strike
After months at impasse in the bargaining process, the UC administration imposed a contract on the roughly 13,000 members of the AFSCME Service Workers Unit, which includes custodians, grounds keepers, cooks, parking officers and a host of other titles. After a successful strike vote, AFSCME provided UC with the legally required ten-day notice that its members will strike May 7-9. AFSCME Patient Care workers, as well as UPTE-CWA and California Nurses Association members will strike in sympathy with the Service Workers. Picket location information is available here. UC-AFT members are encouraged to support our striking colleagues by joining the picket lines and attending rallies at times outside of assigned work hours. UC-AFT members may not withhold our labor during this strike. Please carefully review your rights and responsibilities with respect to strikes and sympathy strikes, which you’ll find outlined in this message from President McIver.
Librarian Bargaining Update: Academic Librarians Must Have Academic Freedom Protections
Librarian bargaining began with two sessions in April. In Irvine on April 24, our team passed a new proposal on Academic Freedom and gave a powerful presentation on why it is essential to strengthen academic freedom protections for librarians at UC. Librarians will continue their effort to secure competitive wages, academic freedom protections and adequate professional development funding at the next bargaining session on June 19 at UC Davis. Please check out this blog for updates on negotiations, profiles of bargaining team members, links to media and information on ways you can support our librarian colleagues.
Join UC-AFT: Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.
Already a Member and want to help defend our union, and our work as educators? The easiest thing to do is recommit to your union membership. You can also volunteer to be a UC-AFT liaison in your department or library.
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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.
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