UC-AFT Insider January 2017
University Council-AFT Insider
January 12, 2017
In this issue:
- Raising the Cap: A More Progressive Dues Structure
- Oppose Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education
- Librarian Victory at UCLA
- Inauguration Week Activities and J20 Walkout Advice
Raising the Cap: A More Progressive Dues Structure
The UC-AFT Council voted unanimously in October to endorse a proposal to increase the monthly cap on union dues. Dues are 1.5% of monthly gross pay, with a cap at $85 per month. The proposal is to maintain the dues percentage and to raise the regressive dues cap to $100 per month. Membership dues will only increase for those with monthly income above $5,666, and the maximum increase any member will have is $15 month. A vote of the membership will be conducted online January 23-27. Only union members will be eligible to vote. Please read this message from the UC-AFT Executive Board for more detail.
Oppose Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education
Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education is a seasoned opponent of public education and a proponent, funder and advocate for various school privatization schemes in her home state of Michigan. The Senate confirmation hearing for Betsy DeVos is scheduled for January 17. Please click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris a message asking them to vigorously oppose Betsy DeVos.
Librarian Victory at UCLA
Since 2013, the UCLA Library administration has contended that thirteen librarian positions should be removed from the bargaining unit (Unit17) on the grounds that they are "supervisory," as defined by the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA). UC filed a claim with the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) to remove the positions and incumbents from the bargaining unit. Last March, the case went before a PERB Hearing Officer. UC-AFT argued that the duties singled out by UCLA as supervisory did not meet the legal definition under HEERA. This week, PERB released its decision in favor of UC-AFT and ruled that all thirteen positions will remain in the bargaining unit. This is a significant victory for our members and our union in our fight to maintain the professional status of librarians at UC.
Inauguration Week Activities and J20 Walkout Advice
Student and faculty organizations, including some UC-AFT members, on several campuses are organizing teach-ins and other events during inauguration week. UAW 2865 published this letter requesting faculty support for a mass walkout on Inauguration Day. UC-AFT Locals will provide details about local activities and actions as they become available. Check here for information on your rights and responsibilities with respect to participation in the walkout on January 20. Search J20 on facebook for additional details.
Join UC-AFT: Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.
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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.
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