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UC-AFT Insider February 2017


University Council-AFT Insider           
February 1, 2017

In this issue:

  • Dues Cap Increase Passes—All Locals Vote in Favor
  • UC-AFT Resolution Opposing Trump Immigration Actions
  • Resources for Students and Colleagues Impacted by Immigration Actions
  • Call Your Senators Now!
  • Membership Vote to Form a UC-AFT Retiree Local

Dues Cap Increase Passes—All Locals Vote in Favor
In October 2016, the statewide Council passed a proposal to increase the dues cap from $85 to $100 per month. An online, local-by-local vote was conducted January 23-27, and all locals voted in favor of increasing the dues cap. Local results are posted here. We are working with UCOP and campus payroll offices to determine the exact implementation date.

UC-AFT Resolution Opposing Trump Immigration Actions
UC-AFT opposes and rejects all Federal executive orders by the Trump administration that target Muslims, green card holders, visa holders, immigrants who came to the US as children (dreamers), and undocumented workers. 

We condemn these racist, religiously bigoted, illegal actions by the Executive Branch of the United States, and pledge to continue to work with other Faculty, Administrators, and our sister Unions of the University of California to ensure that the University work to protect the rights of all employees, students, alumni, and families of the UC who are targeted by this unlawful administration.

Resources for Students and Colleagues Impacted by Immigration Actions
If you, a co-worker, a family member or a member of your community is affected by Trump’s executive orders, please share your story with AFT. Contact: If you are not sure whether these orders directly affect you or what action to take as a result, the most complete resource for determining this comes from our partners at the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, who have published this toolkit about the executive orders. In addition, AFT has a helpful resource page, and UAW 2865 has compiled a good list of resources for UC students.

Call Your Senators Now!
Call Senators Feinstein and Harris and ask them to:

(1) join Senator Merkley and others in a filibuster against Trump's Supreme Court nominee. Background on Gorsuch.
(2) strongly oppose Trump nominees DeVos, Price, and Mnuchin.
(3) oppose Stephen Bannon serving on the National Security Council.
(4) and, thank Senator Feinstein for introducing two bills opposing Trump's immigration actions.

If you don't get through at first, keep calling. When you reach their office, provide your zip code first.

Senator Diane Feinstein: 310-904-7300, 619-231-9712, 202-224-3841, 415-393-0707, or 559-485-7430

Senator Kamala Harris:  213-894-5000 or 202-224-3553

Membership Vote to Form a UC-AFT Retiree Chapter
About forty retired members of UC-AFT have expressed interest in forming a retiree chapter. The statewide Council approved a motion to form the chapter at our meeting on January 29. Adding a retiree chapter requires an amendment to the UC-AFT constitution, which must be approved by 2/3 of the locals. An online vote will be conducted at each local February 6-8, 2017. You will receive the ballot via Survey Monkey from your local’s field representative at 9am, Monday, February 6. The ballot will remain open until 5pm, Wednesday, February 8. Please take a moment to cast your vote in support of a union local for our retired members. Visit the UC-AFT website to read the proposed amendment to Article IV of the UC-AFT constitution.

Join UC-AFT:  Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.