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UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Blog

Lab School Faculty Bargaining Updates

Recent Informational Flyer Regarding Public Employment Relations Board Allegations of UC Management’s Unfair Labor Practices

On Tuesday, October 18th, Lab School families may have seen Demonstration Teachers at carpool with signs and wearing UC-AFT t-shirts.

Post PERB Complaint, Superintendent Dillon, Principal Lazo, and Outside Lawyer Continue to Refuse to Bargain All Mandatory Subjects

ucaft190329a.pngDespite PERB's September 30 Compliant, which issues a strikingly clear and strong rebuke to Lab School administration for unfair labor practices committed in their refusal to negotiate with Demonstration Teachers, Lab School management has doubled down on their refusal to bargain.  On October 7, the Lab School's attorney informed Demonstration Teachers that the school will continue to refuse to negotiate a full range of subjects, apparently, until they are forced to do so by a final decision from PERB.  Demonstration Teachers will seek that final decision with all haste and will continue to fight for our rights and our school until we have a full contract that promotes excellent teaching and learning conditions at the Lab School.

Post PERB Complaint...Demonstration Teachers Demand Negotiations on All Mandatory Subjects

This post is a letter sent by Demonstration Teachers to UCLA management and Lab School administration imporing them to resume bargaining over the full set of proposals made by our union's bargaining team.

Public Employment Relations Board Alleges UC Management Has Engaged in Unfair Labor Practices

ucaft190329a.pngThe California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) has issued a formal notice to UC that they appear to be in violation of labor law due to their refusal to negotiate mandatory subjects and a full contract with the Lab School Demonstration Teachers. This formal notice from PERB, called a complaint, validates Demonstration Teacher concerns on every point.  Demonstration Teachers call on Lab School management and UCLA to come to the table now and negotiate in good faith on a full range of subjects.

Bargaining Update #6 September 29

ucaft190329a.pngOn Thursday, September 29, Demonstration Teachers and Lab School management met for our eighth bargaining session.  In this session, management passed a proposal on compensation that falls far short of Demonstration Teacher needs in several ways.  Please read on for the full update.

Demonstration Teachers Share Info & Wait for Admin to Negotiate

Again, this Tuesday, September 27, Lab School families may have seen Demonstration Teachers at carpool with signs and wearing UC-AFT t-shirts. Demonstration Teachers passed out more information about our contract negotiations with the Lab School administration and our continuing concerns that impact our teaching and student learning. Demonstration Teachers will not stop sharing information and advocating for the school until we reach agreement on a full contract. Please read our latest flyer and take action to help teachers who inspire and teach the children of UCLA Lab School.

Demonstration Teacher Bargaining Fact Sheet September 2022

UCLA Lab School Demonstration Teachers are taking action to get management to negotiate a new MOU covering the range of topics teachers need in order to ensure excellent instruction.  To date, management has only passed a proposal on compensation and is refusing to negotiate other subjects.  This post contains basic, factual information about Demonstration Teachers effort to secure a fair contract. 

UC-AFT Information Sign Up

Lab School Bargaining Update #5 August 19

ucaft190329a.pngLab School Management's single proposal, in response to Demonstration Teacher's 20 proposals, takes an extreme and regressive position on compensation. When management delivered this proposal on Friday, August 19, they informed Demonstration Teachers that they would not negotiate on any other subjects of bargaining, including School Calendar.  Since May, Principal Lazo has repeatedly told the Lab School community that the calender she distributed was tentative, subject to negotiations with teachers.  On Friday, she imposed the calender unilaterally with no negotiations. Please read on for more information.

Lab School Bargaining Update #4 August 17, 2022

ucaft190329a.pngOur Demonstration Teacher bargaining team has now passed a complete set of initial proposals!  Our team has done incredible work preparing and presenting these proposals to the management team.  Nearly every Demonstration Teacher has attended bargaining to show their support and encourage the administration to work with us. Please read the full update, which includes our full set of proposals.
