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UC-AFT 1474 Spring 2018 Bylaws Amendment Vote


Statement Explaining Proposed Bylaws Changes
The Executive Board of our Local has proposed a few minor changes to our bylaws:

- A change to the officer titles to reflect the vision of our Local as a participatory, democratic and member-driven organization, as well as to reflect the way the Board currently works as a collective rather than a hierarchical organization. As such, we propose to eliminate the existing officer titles and replace them with two Co-Chairs and eight Collective Members. This will also increase the number of elected positions on the Executive Board from eight to ten.
- To change quorum to be ten members, including at least 50% of the Executive Board. This will ensure that we can make decisions in membership meetings, the space that includes the most members in decision-making.
- Eliminate the August membership meeting and make the December membership meeting optional. We are initiating this change because classes start in late August and we hold a Welcome to the Fall Semester Social Event in August, which doesn't leave time for a membership meeting. Schedule-wise it makes more sense to hold the first membership meeting in early September. Similarly, with finals and the winter break in December, it can be difficult to find a time to hold a membership meeting.

The existing bylaws with the proposed changes are attached. We had set aside time in our February membership meeting to discuss these proposed changes and answer any questions that members may have. We will now be holding an online vote on the proposed changes.

The vote will be taking place from Monday 2/26 at 5pm until Sunday 3/4 at 5pm.